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Free Shipping for Orders over $50 US Only
October 27, 2021 3 min read
As the hours pass by rather quickly, you may find yourself lying wide awake unable to fall asleep at night. Despite feeling exhausted or knowing you had a busy day, the inability to doze off just adds to the frustration. Nearly 70 million people in the United States alone suffer from a sleep disorder, with Insomnia leading the majority (1). Insomnia can be a short or long-term issue, and is most likely the cause of your struggles to fall asleep most nights. If you suspect that you might be suffering from the annoyingly common disorder, here are a handful of symptoms that may point you towards speaking to a trained and licensed professional:
1. You toss and turn all night
Insomnia = a hyperactive brain. Not only can a wandering mind (especially due to stress) be a trigger for the sleep disorder, but it doesn’t exactly help the condition. Nothing is more discouraging to a person trying to change their sleep habits, than not being able to get comfortable, and watching the clock tick closer and closer to morning. This is probably one of the most obvious signs that you’re dealing with insomnia, so be sure to considerall relevant factors such as your environment, comfort, and stress levels (2).
2. You don’t feel well-rested upon waking up
Achieving a steady and healthy sleep cycle is key for feeling refreshed in the morning. If the time in which you drift to sleep is constantly being delayed or if you are unable to stay asleep, then you may start your days feeling tired.
3. You don’t sleep through the night
Insomnia is often attributed to experiencing sleep disturbances throughout the night. When these changes occur within your sleep cycle, you may find yourself waking up for what seems like no reason. Not only can this throw off your schedule, but it can hinder your overall quality of sleep.
4. You get tired throughout the day
If you’re not getting enough rest at night, you’ll never be fully energized to tackle a whole day of work and responsibilities. Plus, who wants to experience a delay in completing all of their work? As you begin to slow down throughout your workday, you’re also more likely to veer away from your schedule and regular routine. Once this occurs, you may start to stress yourself out over staying on track - so once again, managing your anxiety on a day-to-day basis links to the much-needed rest you should be getting each night.
5. You’re unable to focus
Sleep is important for every aspect of our health, but the most noticeable area of our wellbeing that it relates to is probably brain function. When we become sleep-deprived, our minds can get a bit foggy, which can even result in our motor skills slowing down (2). So if you find yourself unable to concentrate for extended periods of time (or at all), and it’s become a challenge to complete your daily tasks, then it might be time to contemplate the quality of sleep you get each night.
So, you’re probably wondering what you can do if you’re experiencing one or more of these symptoms. Lucky for you, we recently launched Nite Nite - the best melatonin gummy of 2021, according to the Sleep Foundation. KalaVita’s jasmine tea flavored sleep gummies are specially formulated to help you achieve the most restful sleep. With additional ingredients like Chamomile and Valerian Root extract, you’ll be sure to relax long enough before bed to doze off into a peaceful slumber.
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